Kinetic Mat System (KMS) Version 2.1 The Kinetic Mat System is designed for the accurate timing of a wide range of human and other activities. Switch outputs are input to the parallel (printer) port of any IBM PC compatible computer. This enables the accurate timing of events recorded as switch changes in infra red light beams, contact mats, hand switches, sound switches etc.. In fact any switch which is normally open and then closes in response to some event can be input to the computer and timed with a resolution of 1 millisecond. Example applications include: 1. A light beam starts the timer, and consecutive light beams up the track can be used to record split times. The program calculates velocities between the points, split times and total time. 2. A contact mat can be used to measure jump height, flight time, contact time etc. with power output and work done being calculated for single or multiple jumps. During multiple jump tests the system will record the contact and flights times of each jump and calculate fatigue rates from first to last jump. A threshold level can be placed on power output, jump height or contact time. A tone will be emitted if the subject exceeds the threshold so providing feedback during jump training. 3. Light beam switches or magnetic switches can be mounted on resistance training equipment and the computer will measure the velocity and power output during weight lifting. 4. Jogging on a contact mat the system will measure average flight and contact times for the left and right legs as well as left to right ratios. This is a Demonstration The files contained in the self extracting archive KMSTIMER.EXE are a demonstration of a computer based timing system which runs under MSDOS. To run the program after extracting the files, type KMS and press Enter. Press the left shift key to simulate the switch input to the parallel port. Please feel free to distribute this demonstration of the system. To order a fully operational Kinetic Mat System and enquiries concerning available switch options please contact us at the addresses below: United States Distributor: Trans/Mid-America Inc. 11570 W. Dodge Road Omaha, NE 68154 United States of America Telephone (800) 228 7577 Facsimile (402) 493 7376 Creator and Distibutor: SCIFIT PO Box 203 Lismore, NSW 2480 Australia Telephone Int + 61 66 87 7755 Facsimile Int + 61 66 24 3286 Email RNEWTON@SCU.EDU.AU